Democracy is a strong word with a solid meaning and an unquestionable responsibility, the history that links the American states is related to this fundamental concept, but it is also related to models of autocracy, and totalitarianism. The moral line that facilitates the cooperation of the American states is also the same that makes them so different, e, these societies respond differently to history, while Latin America developed itself through a model of instability, due to several bitter facts in own history, like the 60’s and 70’s coups d’état, its “older brother” the United States, developed itself thought a very solid model of society, economy, and politics, creating a curious interdependence between the relationship of these neighbors with democratic values and on understanding of freedom.

I will explore the relations between the United States and Latin America from the perspective of the re-democratization process in Argentina, Brazil, and Chile. Bringing a sociological reflection on how these different models led Latin America to an “underdeveloped status” and how this perspective continues to affect the institutional relations of these countries and their international relations, especially with the USA. I will carry out research in the Secondary Data Analysis and Archival Study model. I believe that using historical research and analyzes that consider the conclusions of other authors, I will be able to develop my thesis with greater consistency of facts and data, in addition to being able to build a more transparent and clear historical background, to so that a more efficient analysis of the historical and contemporary facts of the relations between the American countries is carried out. Finally, I will include in my research theses, dissertations, articles (research based), government reports, photographs, letters, memos, and correspondence. all material that contributes to the development of a clear, well-structured, and well-quoted text will be used in the construction of my final project.
This project seeks to understand and explore the relations between the United States and Latin America from the perspective of the re-democratization process in Argentina, Brazil, and Chile. Analyzing how the differences between coups affect those countries today. This work consider that other scholars didn’t explored how the populism of the 30’s, 40’s and 50’s is related to to coups of 60’s and 70’s. I consider that the populism is part of the main factor that determined the influence of the United States and why did the implantation of dictatorships happen in Argentina, Brazil and Chile, and that is why I believe that in my project I was able to approach in a deeper way the role of populism in this process.
I focused my research on three main points. Primary sources, all selected after defining the Historiography and the organization of the project as a whole. The second main focus was the analysis of these documents, addressing different perspectives in order to add information, I also deepened my research into content by Latin authors. Which allows me more precise information and considerations about the contexts of these military dictatorships. Finally, the last point of relevance in my organization was the exploration of secondary sources, based on access to the national archives of the United States and Brazil.
My project concludes that the doubtful scenarios of the internal politics of the countries of the southern cone are justified from the negative influences of the American influence in the context of the cold war, and also, from the influence of the populism of the previous decades.
Below is a timeline of events between the 1940’s and 1980’s. The purpose of this timeline is to create a background of events.
Rayan Dos Passos 2022